Most Motos on these streets

MOST MOTOS   This is the place in the world that I've traveled, where there are the MOST MOTOS on the streets and roads!  By "Moto...

Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label travel. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Most Motos on these streets


  This is the place in the world that I've traveled, where there are the MOST MOTOS on the streets and roads!  By "Motos" I am referring to all of these vehicles which are: motorcycles, Motorbikes, Scooters, Mopeds, E-Bicycles, etc. 

I've been to a lot of places in my travels and this has the highest concentration of motorcycles of anywhere.  Too many?  Well, I had to join them.  Why?  Because of the cost factor.  You can't afford a car here... if it's not in your budget, then consider a MOTO. 

The disadvantage is the much greater and more possible danger of it all.  the risk of accident, the danger to life and limb (as they say) 


Saturday, August 26, 2023

Dave's referal: website of mucho info

 This Animale image is from 

 ON another website Dave found, it covers many regions. Including a section on the parts of South America where i am, my focus currently.

Does this mean, I am going to trek over there?  Well I would love to.  but can I afford it? afford the time, or the money?? Maybe not, Pete (as PROCOPIO SAYS)  In the ideal world, I would be able to do it.  It is actually and truthfully, one of the best regions.  it is very very rugged and undeveloped. and will never be developed, is my prediction. and vow! mwuahaha.

Here is the basics of this "country".  I will tell you, it is well-defended land.  Essentially, if you fly-in, you get to the center.  That's where most people happen to live, those sheeple (as you find them grazing all over the world in clustered groupings, the flock of sheeple)

From that central starting pint, there are three directions you can head out.  I am not going to tell you... secret.  But this website details one of those directions into a region which is paradise, but not my priority or capability right now.

I read the page about this trip to the place on the huge Pacifico, with FIVE waterfalls.  It linked to a map. I looove mapas.  So here are screenshots of that: